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Join Us

We warmly invite you to join Forward Living and become part of our community!


Operated and managed by CTL Group (Culture Homes’ parent company), Forward Living is a senior living community that provides professional care service and quality accommodation for people aged 60 or above and those in need.

At Forward Living, we are guided by a ‘People-Directed’ service philosophy and pay attention to even the smallest details. We want our residents to be fully engaged and create meaningful lives in which they enjoy complete independence, rather than simply fit into an institutional agenda.


Are you passionate about delivering a new care model for the elderly through innovative products and services? Are you keen to transform how this sector is perceived and to create a brighter future for the elderly. Then talk with us!

健康照顧大使 Health Care Ambassador (護理員)

入職薪金:$15,200-$26,900 (視乎經驗而定)
工作時間: 每週工作49.5小時、輪休、值夜


  • 負責為院舍住客提供健康及護理照顧,協助設計推行健康計劃及康復小組

  • 提供優質服務予院舍住客,以助其提升日常自理能力及生活

  • 支援及協助提供清潔、舒適、安全及穩定的環境予住客

  • 持有護理員證書或者醫護支援課程優先考慮


  • 年假11-14天

  • 毎月例假6-7天

  • 酌情性表現花紅

  • 包膳食

  • 每年免費驗身  

  • 生日假、有薪婚假、恩恤假及侍產假

  • 公司醫療保障

  • 推薦人獎金$2500*

  • 誇區交通津貼

  • 有薪法定假期

  • 員工購物優惠

  • 專業在職培訓

  • 良好晉升計劃

保健員 Health Worker

入職薪金:$17,680-$32,000 (視乎經驗而定)


  • 負責為院舍住客提供健康及護理照顧,協助設計推行健康計劃及康復小組

  • 提供優質服務予院舍住客,以助其提升日常自理能力及生活

  • 支援及協助提供清潔、舒適、安全及穩定的環境予住客

  • 持有社署認可保健員證書及必須為註冊保健員


  • 年假11-14天

  • 毎月例假6-7天

  • 酌情性表現花紅

  • 包膳食

  • 每年免費驗身  

  • 生日假、有薪婚假、恩恤假及侍產假

  • 公司醫療保障

  • 推薦人獎金$2500*

  • 誇區交通津貼

  • 有薪法定假期

  • 員工購物優惠

  • 專業在職培訓

  • 良好晉升計劃

  • Black Facebook Icon
  • Forward Living 迎進生活
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